A Pleiadian Perspective of Expansion
Come and explore the powerful energy of these amazing symbols!
This will be a ‘go with the flow’ gathering with opportunities to chat, share experiences and socialize. We will begin with a Prayer of Initiation invoking the Spiritual Hierarchy. The evening may also include channeled ‘Light Language’ & Messages from Spirit.
The Pleiadian Glyphs are a set of 16 sacred geometry symbols containing ‘patterns of consciousness’ that activate higher evolutionary frequencies.
Prosperity: The Blending of Earthly & Spiritual Experience
Trust: The Vehicle for Spiritual Wisdom
Flow: The Ever-Hanging Balance
Passion: The Flame of Eternal Life
Expression: Expanded Creativity
Flight: The Power of Imagination
Spiritual Evolution
and 9 more …
Discover which ones are meant for you to integrate into your energy field.
You may choose intuitively or be supported by my channeling of Spirit. Please know that Spirit always comes from an Empowerment perspective. You may be told by Spirit which glyph will serve you, how many to choose at this time, etc. or guided how to make this discernment for yourself.