The Blending of the Soul

Friday November 11 @ 3-4 PM Pacific

Offered In Person or Distantly/Remotely
** This is not a phone session or online webinar **

To Register

During this Event the Energies Will Be:

* Activating the Pineal Gland

* Activating the Pituitary Gland

* Blending & Harmonizing the Energies of Both

I ‘tuned in’ to Spirit to ask what I should be participating in or offering on November 11.
I had expected to join in with others whose energies I love – Jo Dunning, Sri & Kira, Braco, etc.
in global meditations and energy activations. To my great surprise and delight I was told to offer
this event specifically during the powerful energies of this amazing day.

Each gland will be activated to its Highest Potential in that moment.
They will then be harmoniously blended together with Light Codes of Activation
creating a Harmonic Resonance so that they may
Fully Activate Your Journey of Ascension.

The Spiritual role of the Pineal gland is Transformation of Consciousness. Divine energies flow in through the
Crown via the Pineal gland into the Sacred Chambers of the brain – the 95% considered unused by traditional
science. As these chambers are activated they support us in accessing everything beyond our 3D world.
When the Pineal gland is fully activated it helps you consciously access these sacred chambers which
contain your spiritual gifts, expanded abilities, connection to Guidance and the Divine.

The Pituitary gland is responsible for the Expression of the Divine energies into the Physical Body and the
Physical World. It is the link into the Earth & the anchor of the expression of the Divine energies into
manifestation in the physical world.

The Divine/Pineal (Yang) energies
and the Earth/Pituitary (Yin) energies
will be harmonized together.

“Liken it to the breathing into a child who has yet to awaken;
both the mother & the father, the female & the male, the Yin & the Yang
blend together to form the Whole, the Oneness”


As a Vibrational Sound Healer & Channel for Spirit I connect with
the ‘SA’ Energies of New Creation. High frequencies of sound and light
are transmitted through my hands and voice. Rapid words of ‘Light Language’
and various sounds and tones come through allowing for the opportunity to:

~ Rapidly Clear Energetic Blockages
~ Rewire Neural Pathways in the Brain
~ Activate the DNA & Spiritual Gifts
~ Experience New Levels of Expansion

The ‘SA’ energies have been described as ‘The Energies of New Creation’
… the catalytic force which takes one from the Spiritual to the Divine.
They are the purest of crystalline energies currently available on the planet.
They work in conjunction with the Metatronic sacred geometric templates
which bring Light and Sound into form.

After a Prayer of Initiation the energy will be channeled from a variety
of sources: Arcturian, Sirian, Lyran energies … as well as various
Groups & Councils of Light, Archangels & Ascended Masters.

At the Designated Time of the Session

Sit Quietly or Continue with Activities in Your Life
The energies are received and integrated
at the best time for you personally.

Although it is not necessary to do so, most people prefer to sit or lie quietly
to feel, experience and receive the energy. Know that the energy will flow to you
whether or not you follow the suggestions below. These are ‘guidelines for the mind’ …
so that you can be comfortable in knowing that you are receiving the energy perfectly!

~ Find a quiet, comfortable space
~ Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water so you are well hydrated
~ Set your intention to join the session
~ Consciously open your Being to RECEIVE the energy
~ Take deep full breaths when drawn to do so
~ Relax & Enjoy!

Remember, in the world of energy healing we are working
in the Quantum Field where there is no time and space.
This is not a phone session or online webinar.

I Welcome Your Feedback

Feel Free to Share Your Experience

