Energy Healing      Star Activations       SA Initiations      Avesa Quantum Healing      
Amygdala Activation      Events      Testimonials      

Pleiadian    Orion    Siriun   Paschants

✔ Greater Wholeness
✔ Activations & Amplifications
✔ Downloading of Encodements of Consciousness
✔ Harmoniousness Within Your Body and Your Life

Which One Is Calling You?

Each Star System Has A UNIQUE Theme & Essence
for Assisting & Supporting Humanity

Scroll Down For Descriptions Unique to Each Star System

$150 – 1 Hour Immersion
In Person, By Phone or Remotely






✔ Working Primarily with Ascension
✔ Contributing to Healthy Whole and Completeness on Every Level
✔ Collapsing Fear and Beginning to Create a Primal-Less and Fear-Less Life Stream
✔ Creating a Calmness, a Serene Fluidity & Harmoniousness – At the Mental & Emotional Levels


✔ Body Weight
✔ Contentment
✔ Wisdom, Clarity & Divinitization
✔ No Longer Letting the Outside World Come Into You


✔ Breaking Down the Egoic Structures
✔ Removing Filters – Opening Up to the Truth of All That Is
✔ Collapsing Attachments to ‘Healing’


*Highly Recommend Pleiadian,Orion, Siriun I Activations 1st!
*Very Powerful – Beyond Circuitry for Most People w/o Preparation

✔ Expansion Beyond 5D
✔ Remembering Divine Connection
✔ Activating Innate Abilities
✔ Genetic Upgrades for Enlightened Perspectives/Thought Processes
   (Activating Dormant Strands of DNA to Expand Awakening Process)
✔ An Expansionary Experience Beyond Physical Expression


Joy is a Facilitator, Guide and Crystalline Conduit.

Accessing her own Mastery and Higher Levels and working side-by-side with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Star Consciousness, Joy brings through the perfect crystalline frequencies required to transform your worries and concerns and whatever is holding you back. She assists with Activations, Amplifications and Initiations, facilitating powerful life-altering changes at a Vibrational Level empowering you to move forward in life.

With intuitive insights and energetic shifts Joy assists Optimal Health & Wellness on ALL LevelsPhysical/Mental/Emotional Well-Being, Finances, Relationships, Spiritual Awakening and so much more! Clairvoyant and Clairsentient she is able to see, sense and feel what is happening multi-dimensionally and creates the vibrational foundation to dissolve your conflicts and build your life anew.

Joy connects with Divine crystalline creation energies transmitting pure frequencies of sound
and light through her hands and voice. At times, rapid words of ‘Light Language’ and various
forms of sound and tone come through allowing the opportunity to:

~ Rapidly Clear Energetic Blockages
~ Rebuild & Regenerate the Body
~ Collapse Mental & Emotional Debris
~ Rewire Neural Pathways in the Brain
~ Activate DNA Codes & Spiritual Gifts
~ Experience New Levels of Expansion

She is able to pinpoint the origin of energetic blockages in the physical body, chakras & energy field,
as well as share information about past life experiences and the resulting patterns holding you back from expressing in your highest light.

Joy works with ‘Energies of New Creation’ … the catalytic force which takes one from the Spiritual to the Divine. They are the purest of crystalline energies currently available on the planet. They work in conjunction with the Metatronic sacred geometric templates which bring light and sound into form.

I am not a licensed medical doctor. The work I offer does not guarantee a cure.
It is not a substitute for appropriate medical care. It is meant to compliment your current
and ongoing medical or psychological treatment.